Thursday, November 22, 2007

~ Happy Thanksgiving ~

~ This Is Thanksgiving Day By Emma Stewart Jacobson ~
The crust is thick upon the snow.
A chill wind sweeps across the way
But let the lusty north wind blow!
This is Thanksgiving Day!
A genial snowman stands erect,
Within his mouth, a pipe of clay,
As childish voices sing with glee,
This is Thanksgiving Day!
Pungent aromas fill the house
And talk is festive, bright, and gay.
A turkey roasts, and pies are made.
This is Thanksgiving Day!
Laughter is stilled, the talking ceased
As father bows his head to pray
And thank God for the bounteous feast.
This is Thanksgiving Day!


Kim @ Home Is Where The Heart Is said...

Dear Heather,
What a sweet blog you have. Thank you for stopping by to visit me...I appreciate it!

I hope you and your family had a wonderful Thanksgiving.
Love, Kim

Sharon said...

Hope you had a great Thanksgiving! I love the picture!